After possibly 55 years, I am reunited with Flibbity Jibbit! When I was a little girl in the 1940’s, I remember very well having the little book at my Grandmother’s house. Well, we got home without the book. I think we even returned to Grandma’s house within a few days to search for it, but it was gone. I always feared that Granddad had tossed it into the wood burning stove without a thought that it was mine or of any importance. The book was gone. For years, when I happened to be at an antiques show, I would carefully look through old cookbooks and paper memorablia, but no Flibbity Jibbit. Then the internet came, and ebay became an easy place to look for such things. Still no Flibbity Jibbit. I am in the midst of cleaning out my elderly father’s home prior to putting the house on the market, and no, no precious book has appeared. But I was searching for some china and crystal identification online, and once again decided to look for Flibbity Jibbit. And here he is! I realize that I had been searching for Jello brand advertising, not Junket – which I do remember very well – and I had been creative in spelling Flibbity Jibbit! But here he is and now I can share him with my grandaughter! I look forward to being able to print the little book. THANK YOU for preserving my childhood memory!
— Caroline